
Friday, February 27, 2015


Okay so the main point of my email to AJHQ was about being taken off of the google plus community right.  They email me back, but the email is all about how they "can't replace scammed items" and about how to keep your "beloved" items safe, nowhere in the reply does it say anything about the google plus community!
I am pretty sure they didn't read the whole email and sent me a computer automated response, maybe they even programmed it to detect certain words in the emails they receive and it uses a pre-typed response instead of people actually reading it and responding with useful information.  This really frustrates me!


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Offline. Updates?

I went to play on animal jam and this came up:
could it possibly be a brand new shiny update?!
I wonder what's in store for us jammers
what wonders are being created
I hope it's not offline for too long...

happy jamming


Hey guys UnicornChild here,
Today I emailed AJHQ about the whole ordeal with me being taken off of the google plus community.  I also mentioned in my email, the scams that have happened to me.  Hopefully they'll email me back soon.

Here's what I said:

Dear AJHQ,

I was accepted into beta testing for play wild a while ago, but just recently I realized I was no longer receiving emails from the community.  I investigated further and found out that I am no longer a part of the community and when I try to join again using the original invitation to the community it says 'you need an invitation to join this community.'  I asked other play wild jammers if this had happened to them and they said no.  Please help.  Also a while ago I got scammed out of my rare pink fox hat and more recently I got scammed out of my bongo drums which are ,as you know, beta.  I had my bongo drums on trade to see if anyone would trade me other betas for it and then someone offered to trade for it.  When I was looking at the trade request I was so excited because I thought I was getting a tan carpet that I didn't look closely and realize that instead it was brown tile, I accepted the trade but then I instantly realized that I had just been scammed.  I didn't quite catch the username of the scammer but it would be great if in a new update you, in some way, make it easier to distinguish the two so that it's harder to get scammed the same way.  Thanks for considering these things.

Kelsey Allbright
aka UnicornChild (on animal jam)

I sure do hope that they do something to differentiate the two.

I'll post with more updates as soon as I hear from them.

happy jamming, prevent scamming
(heheh, I'm a poet and I didn't know it ;3)

Monday, February 23, 2015


I'm panicking right now!
I was looking through my emails and found it odd that I wasn't getting any from the Play Wild BETA community, I looked further into this and saw that I was no longer in the group!
I tried to join via the invitation to join from earlier but when I clicked it, it said I had to receive an invitation to join!  Has this happened to anyone else?!
I'm going to share this with a bunch of people from the community

if you had this happen to you too please tell me, and if you know why this happened tell me

please help!

Rare item #2+Non member flying animal ideas

Hey jammers, UnicornChild again

today's rare item Monday item is a rare hat and curly wig this item can be found in jam mart clothing

Also tow new items have migrated back to the shops of jamaa: the clover tie and the clover blanket.  Sounds lucky!  That means the party isn't far off

Also I have a new topic that I would like to discuss:
Flying animals for Non-Members

I think non-members should be able to have a flying animal that they can buy.  I think it's unfair that non-members are excluded from many things and I think that they should at least be able to do all the thing flying animals can do, like The Forgotten Desert.  Some ideas I've thought of or I've heard:

a bat (my idea)- wouldn't it be awesome if you could be a bat and a non-member?  I think this should be a new animal (I know they have this as a pet but still, they had owl pets and then came out with owls didn't they?)

a robin (not my idea, a jammer was discussing the matter with me on animal jam and this was their idea, I forgot who said it but don't you agree?)

parrots (my idea)

seagull (my idea)

Sugar Glider- again, I know they came out with these as pets but wouldn't it be cool to be one

Dove (my idea)

And maybe a new non-member land animal
I have some ideas:

  • fennec fox
  • kiwi bird?
  • squirrel

I would love to hear ideas that you have, please feel free to tell me in the comments

happy jamming

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Mail Time

I finally received what I think is enough gifts to record a mail time video
I started recording it and it was going good till I had to leave to do something, I started to rush through it and I think I messed up.
I'll have to finish it up later, anyway
thank you to everyone who sent me gifts for my first mail time!
I'll be posting the video soon
keep a lookout on my youtube channel:
MC Spirit Wolf

happy jamming

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Possible Scammer - Happynarwhalklein

Oops, I posted too fast again, didn't I? Well, anyways, this is Ghost with a pending possible scammer.
The (possible) scammer's name is happynarwhalklein (as seen below).

Now, she was saying in Jamaa Township "Come to my den for free spike turst trust me!". I went to investigate, of course (although I thought that I might get lucky haha). She then said "buddy me if you turst trust me". I did so I wouldn't get locked out. Then, she says this.
"turst me if you want to play"
I don't know if she thought that this was some sort of game, but it definitely wasn't! Some jammers decided to trust her and traded (she had music on her list). They didn't get scammed.
I accused her of scamming and this was her response:

Later on, I asked her why she was trying to give away her items.
Then she said that she was quitting.
(I am the otter) She is trying to give proof, so I asked her why she did it this way by trading people.
"I like doing this" was her response. Fishy, eh? No, I didn't say that just because I'm an otter!! It was pretty punny, however. Hehe..
I then said that I was leaving. She said that she hopes to see me soon.
A few minutes later after constant questions and answers about scamming, I told her to make this a regular giveaway. She agreed to it and buddied me back (I unbuddied her). She then locked me out of her den. 
(I didn't get an actual picture of her locking me out but special thanks to hijab2 for the help)

That is, sadly, all the proof I have. I think that she is a scammer. 
Shoutouts to my friends hijab2 and Tinvrag! They helped me tremendously.
That's it for now, Jammers! Jam on!
co-author of Animal Jam Oasis

Introduction to Ghostpixs!

Hello, everyone! I recently just became a contributor of this fantastic page, Animal Jam Oasis! My friend, MCSpiritWolf, often known as Unicornchild, invited me here. Who am I, you ask? Well, I am the one and only GhostPixs! I play Animal Jam frequently and can't wait to get to know all of you. I am also a Play Wild Beta! tester. I can't wait to start blogging more with you all! (Unicornchild probably apologizes for four posts in one day haha!)

Hey guys!

Sorry to spam you but I have great news!!!
We will be welcoming a new member into the animal jam oasis blog "family"
I know you will welcome her and treat her well.
She has happily agreed to be a co-author for the animal jam oasis blog.
welcome Ghostpixs!!!


ART CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys (sorry to spam you with three posts in one day)
I'm going to do an art contest, winner gets a prize on animal jam or if you don't play animal jam I will think of another pirize

1)  No tracing others' artwork
2)  Must be new artwork that YOU drew
3)  No lineart
4)  must be animal jam related
5)  have fun!!!

Please send your responses to:

please include your animal jam username in the email when you send the entries

the deadline is February 28th
I may extend it once if absolutely needed but only once

hope you enter


one time a long time ago I got scammed out of my rare pink fox hat.
This time someone scammed me out of my bongo drums (beta)!
They sent a trade request and I didn't look closer before I traded so I thought I was getting tan carpet (which is beta too), but instead I got brown tile (not beta)!
Sadly i don't remember the person's username
please review your trades better before you agree on anything so you don't get scammed like I did.

commonly mistaken items:
many people mistake brown tile for tan carpet, the difference is that tan carpet is a non-member item, brown tile is a member item
people mistake the milky tiara for the one you can buy in stores, the difference is the color of the gems
people also mistake the beta green tiara for the one you can buy in stores, the difference is the color of the gems

don't get scammed :(

The Forgotten Desert+Mail time and more updates from jamaa

Hey guys
today I would like to talk about The Forgotten Desert quest

As of right now The Forgotten Desert is a member adventure
I've heard many things about it
mostly about the prizes
I've heard you can get anything from a golden tiara to red brick walls, headdresses, or long spikes
The way you can earn the good prizes is if you disregard the gem chests you see on the adventure, don't open them.  Collect the gems and when you open one of the prize chests there is a good chance you'll get a really good prize.
One time I got bongo drums (they're beta)
I'm not sure how good a cash register is on animal jam but I think I got that as a prize in the forgotten desert too.
The purple shards are extremely hard to get, sometimes it's best to just search for the easier ones, especially if you don't have four other players on the quest with you because it's only possible if three other players are helping.  One time I got three purple shards before the time ran out.

There was also a movement in jamaa township, I'm not sure what it was officially called but I like to call it the green movement.  A ton of people turned their animal green and hopped to show how they cared about equal rights for all jammers regardless of the fact that they do or don't have a membership.  I joined in too.

Pet ponies have come to the fabulous world of Jamaa!!!
They're so stinkin' adorable!!!
It's too bad you can only buy them in the diamond shop...

Snow leopards are going extinct in jamaa!
Sadly I don't have enough diamonds to buy one before they go extinct in two weeks.

Stone swords, 
I heard a while ago about these swords when they were unreleased and how there were only a few in the whole game, now that they came out the value has drastically decreased.  They used to be worth A LOT!
They do look cool though.

Mail Time:
I am also going to do a mail time video (once screencast-o-matic decides to work for me)
I would really appreciate if you would send me something
It's okay if you don't but it would be awesome if you did
You can gift me random items
even tiaras or moon necklaces or other items that are common would help
my username is:

thanks to whoever sends me something.

happy jamming

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Play Wild BETA update?

I heard that Play wild beta will be updating soon?
And that the accounts will be reset?

When they say reset do they mean take everything off of our accounts?  I sure hope not
Take advantage of the time left and stock up, they might delete some items from stores!

I hope everything turns out okay

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Random stuff

Okay guys
I'm really bored right now so you  get to endure it too
I got my second weekly diamond today!
that means 8 more weeks before I can get another animal
should I get a Hyena or an arctic wolf?
tell me your opinion in the comments

snow sure is beautiful

there you go, my daily randomness

Happy jamming

Monday, February 16, 2015

Rare Item Monday #1

so this is my first Rare Item Monday post
here goes

today's rare item is the rare heart blanket
Here's a picture, sorry about the border, I had to email Iit to myself and I could not figure out how to download it onto my phone so I just took a screenshot.  

Anyway you can find this rare item in jam mart clothing

happy jamming

Sunday, February 15, 2015

New AJ account

my sister finally got another AJ account
I never knew non members could get a panda!
I'll be posting some pictures of me and her playing AJ together
probably later today

happy jamming

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

Hi guys!
I just wanted to wish everyone a happy valentine's day!
I hope to post more soon

happy jamming

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Beta posts idea

So... I am thinking about doing a series of posts on here about me trading for betas or even seeing betas throughout Jamaa (I've seen a lot lately!)

I already have one beta item
Bongo drums

If you want to trade for them comment below

also I was wondering...
what is an animal jam cash register worth?
I got one yesterday and I was wondering what it was worth and looked it up online.  I was looking through and I stumbled upon someone's mailtime video, they seemed really excited about it.

Speaking of which,
I want to do a mail time, can anyone send me some items?
I will record
It doesn't matter what you send me, I'm happy to receive anything
If you decide to send me something, send it to my username:

Happy Jamming

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Animal Jam Play Wild Beta

As promised here are a few snapshots of me playing animal jam play wild beta.
My invitation to the Play Wild Beta community.

So here's the Jamaa journal.  It looks so... NEW! XD  I can't wait for foxes and parties!
This was the original look I had, before I bought items from Jam mart clothing to wear.
Having fun on the water slides at Crystal Sands
It was so lonely.... now there are so many people on constantly.
Player card glitch...

Anyways, I hope to post frequently but no promises
I might post more pictures soon, happy jamming!


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

First Post

Hey guys!
This is my first blog post.
I guess I'll introduce myself then

Hi, I'm UnicornChild, more popularly (not so popularly XD) known as MC Spirit Wolf (on my youtube and DeviantART).  You can call me UnicornChild, Unicorn, Wolfey, MC Spirit Wolf, Spirit Wolf or pretty much anything else that may sound cool lol.  I love animal jam and I can't wait to start my animal jam blog.  I finally got a membership and am excited to explore the many great features that come with being a member.  My favorite color is Blue.  Series that I like/LOVE: Gregor the Overlander, Wings of Fire, Survivors, Warriors, and Wolves of the Beyond.  I also got into beta testing for animal jam play wild beta, so I should be posting pictures of that in the not-to-distant future.

My favorite animal on animal jam are the arctic wolf, the wolf, the hyena and the owl.
Well, that's about it for now, I hope to post again soon.

Until next time.  Happy Jamming.
