
Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Hey guys UnicornChild here,
Today I emailed AJHQ about the whole ordeal with me being taken off of the google plus community.  I also mentioned in my email, the scams that have happened to me.  Hopefully they'll email me back soon.

Here's what I said:

Dear AJHQ,

I was accepted into beta testing for play wild a while ago, but just recently I realized I was no longer receiving emails from the community.  I investigated further and found out that I am no longer a part of the community and when I try to join again using the original invitation to the community it says 'you need an invitation to join this community.'  I asked other play wild jammers if this had happened to them and they said no.  Please help.  Also a while ago I got scammed out of my rare pink fox hat and more recently I got scammed out of my bongo drums which are ,as you know, beta.  I had my bongo drums on trade to see if anyone would trade me other betas for it and then someone offered to trade for it.  When I was looking at the trade request I was so excited because I thought I was getting a tan carpet that I didn't look closely and realize that instead it was brown tile, I accepted the trade but then I instantly realized that I had just been scammed.  I didn't quite catch the username of the scammer but it would be great if in a new update you, in some way, make it easier to distinguish the two so that it's harder to get scammed the same way.  Thanks for considering these things.

Kelsey Allbright
aka UnicornChild (on animal jam)

I sure do hope that they do something to differentiate the two.

I'll post with more updates as soon as I hear from them.

happy jamming, prevent scamming
(heheh, I'm a poet and I didn't know it ;3)

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